Bus From KLIA to Johor Bahru

KLIA to Johor Bahru Bus Service

Avg. Bus Duration
Buses depart from
Bus arrives in
Daily Bus Services
Cheapest Bus Ticket
4 hrs 44 mins
Johor Bahru
SGD 16.90

KLIA to Johor Bahru Bus Distance

Earliest Bus
01:00 AM
Last Bus
11:45 PM
Bus Companies

KLIA to Johor Bahru Bus Schedule & Fare

Bus Operator First Bus Last Bus Duration Min Fare  
YOYO Express 01:10 AM 11:45 PM 4 hrs 32 mins SGD 19.05 BOOK TICKET
SC Southern Express 01:00 AM 08:20 PM 5 hrs 12 mins SGD 16.90 BOOK TICKET

KLIA to Johor bahru Bus

There are around 34 buses operating from KLIA to Johor Bahru. Taking a bus from KLIA to Johor Bahru is one of the most convenient and pocket-friendly modes of travelling. It takes around 4-5 hours to cover a distance of 320 kms. Moreover, there are 2 bus operators running their buses between the two places ensuring safety protocols at all times. Starmart Express and Golden Coach are the two coach operating providing comfortable bus services in this route. Passengers can book bus tickets from KLIA to Johor Bahru at a minimum expense of SGD 18.39. The different category of buses plying from KLIA to Johor Bahru includes SVIP and Executive. All the buses comes with comfortable seating arrangements and clean interiors.

The first bus leaves from KLIA Bus Counter Platform 3 at 6:30 am and the last bus departs at 11:59 pm. The pickup point is KLIA and the drop points in Johor Bahru includes JB Larkin Bus Terminal and Tun Aminah Terminal. The frequent departure of buses makes it a popular route amongst travellers. KLIA to Johor Bahru is a non-stop bus journey that directly picks up passengers from KLIA bus terminal and drop them at their preferred arrival locations in Johor Bahru.

Things to do at Johor Bahru

The destination called Johor Bahru is filled with many interesting places. Some of its attractions are as follows:

  • Legoland
  • Sultan Abu Bakar
  • Old Chinese Temple
  • Hello Kitty Town
  • Little Paris
  • operator-logo
    YOYO Express
  • operator-logo
    SC Southern Express

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