Bus From Melaka Sentral to Batu Pahat

Melaka Sentral to Batu Pahat Bus Service

Avg. Bus Duration
Buses depart from
Bus arrives in
Daily Bus Services
Cheapest Bus Ticket
Melaka Sentral
Batu Pahat
SGD 3.25

Melaka Sentral to Batu Pahat Bus Distance

Earliest Bus
09:30 AM
Last Bus
06:30 PM
Bus Companies
Disabled, Sanwa Express, S&S International Express

Melaka Sentral to Batu Pahat Bus

A road journey from Melaka Sentral to Batu Pahat is made comfortable by buses. Usually, bus timings differ from one bus operator to another. The time taken to complete the journey from Melaka Sentral to Batu Pahat is reliant on traffic and climatic conditions. The robust bus service between Melaka Sentral and Batu Pahat creates convenience for many commuters. All the buses are well maintained and driven by capable drivers.

Avoid the Queue with Melaka Sentral Boarding Pass

Passengers can now choose a boarding pass for Melaka Sentral bus terminal on redBus, Singapore website and app. This special offering by redBus has made the journey from Melaka Sentral to Batu Pahat extremely convenient and easier. The Melaka Sentral boarding pass as offered by redBus comes with a QR code that allows passengers to directly head to the bus boarding area at the terminal and hop on the bus just by scanning the code. At present, passengers are required to collect their boarding pass even after having a confirmed reservation, which can be tiresome during the peak hours. By opting for the Melaka Sentral boarding pass at a nominal fee on redBus website or app, passengers get their boarding pass via email. The boarding pass also has a QR code that needs to be scanned at the boarding area of the terminal. Passengers can choose a redBus boarding pass with QR code on the bus route from Melaka Sentral to Batu Pahat by following these simple steps:

1. Select Melaka Sentral as source and Batu Pahat as destination and enter. A list of buses available on the route along with a ‘boarding pass’ widget would appear.

2. Opt-in to the boarding pass by keeping the toggle key on. You can also check the nominal cost for the boarding pass in the same widget.

3. Once you select a suitable bus and seat, head to the payment section. After making the payment, the boarding pass would be generated and sent to the passengers on their registered email id.

4. There will be a QR code right below the boarding details that passengers can scan at the QR access points of Melaka Sentral boarding before boarding the bus.

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    Buy Best Priced Melaka Sentral to Batu Pahat Bus Tickets Online on redBus

    Discover the ease of bus ticket online booking platforms, check Melaka Sentral to Batu Pahat bus ticket prices and schedules, and plan your travels effortlessly, all in one place. Utilize multiple filters to select from many bus operators, amenities, and bus types. Avail of great redBus offers on bus reservations.

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